LIC #: 1002689

Hayward Bathroom Design

Your perfect Hayward bathroom design will have several contributing factors your home’s comfort. It will combine functionality and exquisite design.

Our team will ensure your bathroom design project is handled professionally from beginning to end.

As professional bathroom remodelling contractors in Hayward, we offer expert tips on emerging trends, essential elements, and features that will make your bathroom functional and stylish.

Hayward Bathroom Design

Modern Bathroom Design Elements in Hayward

Creating a functional and visually appealing bathroom space requires considering several aspects. These aspects will include:


We must consider the placement of fixtures like the sink, toilet, and shower to optimize space and ensure enough space to move around comfortably. The layout must suit your needs and preferences.

Vanity and Storage

We will help you decide the size and type of storage that meets your needs, matches your style, and suits the bathroom space. Adequate storage for all your bathroom supplies is a must.

Fixtures and Fittings

Opt for high-quality, durable fixtures and fittings that match your style and meet your functional requirements. These will include faucets, showerheads, toilet holders, toilet handles, and other hardware.


We will install your choice of flooring for your bathroom. Good bathroom flooring is slip-resistant, durable, moisture-resistant, and easy to clean.

Shower and Bathtub

Decide whether you want a shower, bathtub, or both. We will help you choose the type of shower enclosure and bathtub matching your design.


We must install sufficient and efficient ventilation in your bathroom to prevent moisture build-up and help control odors. This will maintain a fresh and healthy environment and prevent mold growth.

Options for Bathroom Partition Design

Bathroom partitions provide privacy by having enclosed toilets or showers. Before selecting a bathroom partition, consider the style, functionality, and level of privacy needed.

Type of partition Description
Privacy screens


These screens can be installed around the toilet to offer privacy without completely enclosing the area. Privacy screens come in metal, wood, or even decorative panels.
Half walls


Half walls can be made of glass, stone, or tile. They separate the toilet or shower areas from the rest of the bathroom while still maintaining a spacious feel.
Room dividers


You can repurpose room dividers, such as bookshelves or curtain dividers, to separate the toilet or shower from the rest of the bathroom. They are versatile, as they can be moved or removed with ease.
Folding or sliding screens


These partitions are flexible and can be moved or adjusted as needed. They allow you privacy when needed and open up the space when they are not being used.

Accessible Bathroom Design in Hayward

Accessible bathroom design includes elements and features that make the bathroom functional and accessible to people with disabilities. Such elements include:

Accessible Bathroom Design in Hayward
  • Accessibility and clearances

Your bathroom needs adequate clear floor space. We will ensure the diameter of your bathroom is not less than 60 inches for a wheelchair to turn comfortably. Wider entrances not less than 32 inches will also help with easy accessibility.

  • Grab bars and handrails

Strong grab bars and handrails in strategic places will offer support and stability. We will install them near the toilet, shower, and bathtub to prevent falls and help with transfers.

  • Barrier-free entry

We need to ensure zero barriers at the entry of your bathroom for easy wheelchair access. Consider a curbless shower to facilitate a smooth transition from the bathroom floor to the shower area.

  • Wheelchair-accessible sink

Wall-mounted or pedestal sinks allow wheelchair users to get close to the sink easily. Consider a lever or touchless faucet for easy use.

  • Non-slip flooring

Using non-slip floor materials will help minimize falls and accidents in the bathroom. Use materials with traction even when wet.

Get a Free Quote for Your Bathroom Design in Hayward

Done Right Home Remodeling guarantees safe, efficient, and functional bathroom space design. Our Hayward remodeling experts consult with you to ensure we achieve the best results per your needs and preferences. More so, we ensure compliance with the Hayward local building codes and regulations.


Through careful consideration of the style, materials, water-efficient fixtures, and factors such as ease of cleaning and durability.

Establish the position of existing plumbing systems, separate the wet and dry areas, maintain proper and easy flow, and ensure adequate storage space for your bathroom supplies.

Use wall-mounted storage, go with a pedestal sink, use light colors to give the illusion of space, and install a corner shower or a compact bathtub.

Current bathroom designs include minimalist and contemporary designs, natural materials, freestanding tubs and walk-in showers, smart technology, and energy-efficient and water-saving features.

We will install low-flow toilets and faucets to conserve water, use energy-efficient lighting, and use sustainable materials like reclaimed wood and recycled materials like tiles.